Pumping tip
New mama pumping tip:
When sharing tips with new breastfeeding moms I've come across so many moms that don't really know how to use their breast pump to its full potential. You'll see that when you first turn your pump on, the speed of the suction is fast. This simulates the baby's suckling that triggers a let down. What is a let down? It's when your breast lets down a stream of milk. This is when the most milk is expressed. If your breastfeeding baby directly on the breast this is when you hear baby gulping and swallowing. Once the pump passes the fast phase it will slow down to express the most amount of milk. At this point your let down may continue for a few minutes and eventually stop. Many women think that all the milk has been removed and stopped pumping at this point. Nope. Your breast has more milk in its reserves. Push the button on your pump with the drops and it will turn on another phase of the fast pumping. Again, after the fast pumping, slow will follow. This is so that you can trigger a second let down to express the most milk possible. Some have even been able to get a third, forth and even up to a fifth let down. So don't stop pumping after the first round, keep going. Also keep in mind no matter how many rounds you do, a pump will. Ever express as much milk as a baby does. The most effective way of removing all the milk from your breasts is to feed baby directly from the breast.