Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Special Message to Mothers of Angel Babies

I came across this amazing website. This site is about an amazing wife and mother named Carly Dudley. She lives in Australia where they have the most breathtaking beaches.

"To Write Their Names In The Sand" began in the early hours of August 19th 2008. In her sleep on that cold winter's morning, Carly dreamed of her son Christian for the first time since he was born sound asleep on January 26th 2007.

Carly dreamed that she was walking along the beach when up ahead of her she saw three children playing together. They were laughing and really enjoying their time under the sun. When she got closer to them they ran away up into the sand dunes. When Carly reached the point where the children were playing she saw that they had written their names in the sand.

The children's names were Noah, Bella and Christian. Carly had dreamed of her son. Even though she did not realize it was him until he was gone she felt overwhelmed with love. Christian was there, he was healthy, whole and happy playing on Heaven's beach with his two little friends that left this Earth only a short time before he did.

Carly woke from her sleep at 3am. Her mind was ticking over. She knew this dream would change her life forever. She knew it meant something amazing. That evening at sunset Carly went to the beach, she kept her dream to herself and told no one. She wrote the three names that had appeared in her dream. After she had taken the photo's she stood in the water and prayed. She told God that she would start a children's memorial page and that she would write the names of children who were now with Him instead of their loving families. She asked him for strength and love.

Carly kept the memorial page a secret from Sam. She showed it for the first time to him on Father's Day.

Sam and Carly had no idea that this dream would become something so amazing. They receive on average 150 name requests a day. Carly uses a simple Canon IXUS digital camera to take all the photo's.

Their dream is to bring warm light back into bereaved families lives. They wish for everyone Hope and Peace.

If you would like your Angel's name in the sand you can follow this link the steps are there on how to make a request.

Please keep in mind that they get flooded with requests for names and are unable to reply to your email. They will however, read every one that comes in and we will write every name requested.

***Carly you are an angel sent from above and what you are doing is amazing and such a blessing.***