Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Age Old Question: How Can I Kickstart Labor Safely?

By the time most moms reach around 38 weeks into their pregnancy they are so sick and tried of being pregnant they will pretty much do anything to get labor started. Here are some tips & tricks & old wives tales on how to kick start labor naturally and safely. Some moms swear that a certain method works for them others say nothing works, ultimately baby will decide when he/she will make their grand appearance. Nonetheless, here are some suggestions that I'm sure you will have fun with or perhaps drive yourself crazy with 8)

Castor Oil
For decades, women have been using castor oil to help induce labor. In fact, many old school physicians and midwives swear by it. It can provide good results if you are already in early labor. It is believed to work by causing spasms in the intestines, which surround the uterus toward the end of pregnancy. These spasms, in turn, cause the uterus to cramp, which might result in labor.

You can take 30 - 80 ml of castor oil mixed with 100 -200ml of orange juice to cut its oiliness. You’ll want to drink it quickly because of the unpleasant taste. Some practitioners suggest taking a single dose; others suggest repeated doses depending on your response. Keep in mind that castor oil usually will cause your bowels to empty within about three hours. With luck, soon after that, you will be in true labor. Warning castor oil is not only unpleasant to drink (do drink it mixed with orange juice if you really want to try this!) but it also results in near immediate diarrhea. (Ed: I tried this at a week over due with my first son, it did give stomach cramps and diarrhea, and emptied the bowels nicely, but no labor. Thankfully. You actually wouldn’t want to be in labor with that much bowel action - but it is a good clean out in preparation for labor.)

If you are having contractions but are not yet in labor, walking can help get things going. Walking allows your hips to sway side to side, which will help bring the baby into position to be born. Also, by standing upright, you’re using gravity to move the baby down into the pelvis. Another plus: It usually feels good to walk when you are contracting. And of course, even if you don’t go into full-blown labor, at least you’re getting some exercise.


Making love can be one of the last things on a woman’s mind toward the end of her pregnancy. She probably feels clumsy and big and may be experiencing a lot of vaginal pressure. But sex is one of the main things you can do to get your labor under way. When you and your partner make love, his semen (which contains prostaglandins) can stimulate contractions. (The gel used in inductions is a prostagladin gel, so it is certainly worth trying this before going in for a medical induction). At the very least the semen will help to soften and ‘ripen’ the cervix, and every bit of progress helps. An added bonus will be if the mum can reach orgasm too. As the regular, rhythmical contractions brought on by orgasm combined with a prostaglandin may very well kick-start labor, and certainly will cause progress at the very least even if it does not result in sustained contractions.

Spicy Food

Some people swear that it was that extra-hot enchilada from their favorite Mexican restaurant that brought them face to face with their new baby. Unfortunately, the statistics are out on this one. You could try it, but if you have a full stomach when you are in labor, you might vomit and see that enchilada again–in less-than-appetizing circumstances.

Nipple Stimulation

Some women massage their nipples as a way to induce labor. This stimulation brings about the release of oxytocin, which is the natural form of pitocin. Oxytocin causes contractions, which sometimes evolve into labor. Most practitioners are not enthusiastic about this method of inducing labor, because it has been known to lead to excessively long, strong uterine contractions sometimes resulting in fetal heart rate slowing. Unless your practitioner advises it and is monitoring your progress closely, nipple stimulation is not always recommended as a means for beginning labor.

Raspberry Leaf Tea
Raspberry leaf tea supports the female systems. It is believed to attain healthy menstruation, strengthen and tone the uterus, and to prepare the womb for childbirth. It is said to prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. It reduces the pain during labor and after childbirth since it tones the muscles used during labor and delivery. However, it does not offset the pain of cervical dilation. It strengthens contractions that allows the contracting uterus to work more effectively. It helps to bring down an undelivered placenta.

An enzyme in the Pineapple fruit is reputed to ripen the cervix and help to start the labor. In order to get enough this enzyme, you have to eat a lot of pineapple.

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is said to ripen the cervix when it is used internally 5 gel caps up against the cervix daily.

Maternity Acupressure Points to Induce Labor
Acupressure means applying pressure on specific spots on your body with fingertips. Specific acupressure points on your body to go into labor. These points can be found on shoulders, hands, lower legs and ankles. You can find an acupressure specialist to apply labor inducing acupressure. Because acupressure techniques are very simple, you or your partner can stimulate these points as well. Treat the points known to stimulate labor by pressing them and massaging them with small circular motion for 1-5 minutes few times a day. Specific maternity acupressure points encourage the baby to engage, help the cervix to ripen and stimulate the contractions.

Medical disclaimer:
Note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice. The content provided here is for informational and educational purposes, and is not intended as advice or instruction. It is provided to help you to make informed choices for yourself. You should consult your primary care provider regarding your specific medical symptoms or advice.